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Top 7 Ways That Will Drive Traffic To Your Website

Everyone, including digital marketers, are at some point new to digital marketing. In addition to this every industry is different. Getting traffic for different industries require different techniques.

In this article we give you a list of tips that will get you loads of traffic for your website but we recommend you to organize the list according to your website.

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  1. Target Local Keywords

We found that using the name of the city before the keyword gives way more traffic as compared to putting the keyword alone.

  1. Blog

Every page on your site is a road to your website which means if you have more pages more people will visit your website. These pages are nothing but articles or roads that will bring traffic to your site.

  1. Guest blog

Guest blog is very huge and it works even more if you are super strategic. A guest post brings free trials if the website on which we have written the post is huge.

  1. Syndicate

Don't rely on your blog post to do all the work but syndicate it out. Help to get your post found as well as shared. But do it ethically.

  1. Targeted advertising

You can target a city, state, country, gender, age, and what keywords people have in their profile so the best example of targeted advertising is Facebook.

  1. Freebies for sharing

Try and give freebies to people who share your posts and site. For this you have to design a web app so that they can unlock some features of it when they share something.

  1. Repost old content

If you are not blogging a nightly news repost your older contents again and again. There are chances that they are still relevant for some people.

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