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10 Effective Facebook Marketing Tips With Dos And Dont's

Facebook is dying, you have probably heart this sentiment before, stated as if it's all but inevitable. But with 1.5 billion monthly active users, it's glaringly apparent Facebook isn't going anywhere. On the other hand, Facebook marketing is a vastly different platform altogether. This do's and don'ts of Facebook pages provides advice on how you should and definitely shouldn't attract potential customers on Facebook. We have collected these 10 tips on how to market on Facebook and put them into a single guide so you can get the most out of the world's most popular social network.

According to stats, 5 new profiles are created on Facebook every second and as many as 30 million businesses have a Facebook page for all of their fans. $234 Million in virtual goods and gifts were purchased in the second quarter of 2014 and 1 billion searches occur everyday.


So lets see the following 5 tips that will make your business rise from the dead.

1. Be original

People want to know what makes you and your business unique.

2. Value Customer Service

Happy customers are returning customers. Companies that value customer service are always attentive and quick to respond, especially on social media.

3. Create a Strategy

Post great content consistently and purposefully. Use Facebook Insightsto see when your fans are active most and schedule posts accordingly.

4. Get Feedback

If you want to improve your product or services, ask questions and actively listen to your customers. Getting feedback on Facebook is simple: you can add a recommendations box, respond to a post, take a survey or respond to an informational video.

5. Be Confident

Explicitly asking for likes or shares is frowned upon by Facebook. Don't look desperate. If you are providing the right kind of content, people will be compelled to share no matter what.

After looking at the strategies to apply, we will now look at the 5 things that will leave your business dead in the water.

1. Don't forget about Insights

Facebook marketing requires consistent activity on your page to stay relevant. Using Insights gives you an understanding of key post metrics, how many people your post reached, how many people clicked your post and how many people engaged with it.

2. Don't only use numbers

Using likes as a measurement of success is misleading. Reach, engagement and conversions are the metrics you should be looking at. Focus on the needs of your fans and the page size won't matter.

3. Don't sell

Save the advertisements for Facebook ads. Facebook penalizes organic posts that push people to buy something, enter a sweepstakes, install an app or reuse content from ads.

4. Don't Automate

Personalize it! People don't want to talk to robots.

5. Don't Spam

This is the worst things you can possibly do. Just don't.

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