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15 Content Marketing Tips To Make Your Content Viral

We all know and have always heard that the 'Content is King'. Therefore if your marketing strategies include content marketing then your main goal should be to create contents that people will love to share.

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In order to do that simply follow the tips given below and learn how to do it by yourself.

1. Use numbers

According to a research done headlines with numbers are 36% more likely to generate clicks and a study of 150,000 headlines revealed that odd-numbered headlines have a 20% better CTR than headlines with even numbers.

2. Use Brackets

In an analysis of over 2 million headlines, it was found that using [brackets] in a headline bumped up CTR by 38%.

3. Use Short URLs

A site found out that short URLs are 2.5x more likely to attract a click.

4. Descriptive URLs

Microsoft study found trusted domains get 25% more clicks.

5. Use a colorful image above the fold

Xerox has found out that colorful visuals made people 80% more likely to read a product guide.

6. Put Share buttons above the fold

A study found out that elements above the fold are seen by 63% more people than those further down the page.

7. Lead with short sentences

People only read 28% of a blog post, so you need to hook them fast. How? Short sentences. Dr. John Morkes found that short sentences boosted content readability by 58%.

8. Images add credibility

A Graduate University study found an image, any image, boosts content credibility by 75%.

9. Make Text easy to scan

Like short paragraphs, subheadings and bulleted lists, an expert discovered that 'scannable' online content boosted readability by 57%.

10. Be insanely practical

It was found that highly-practical articles are 34% more likely to go viral.

11. Use Pro images

Image quality makes a huge difference. An internal study found that pro images received 45% more Facebook shares than 'semi-professional' photos.

12. Get emotional

A study found out that content that elicits the emotions 'awe', 'surprise' or 'anger' was 28.6% more likely to go viral.

13. Use Infographics

Data from BuzzSumo found that infographics generate 2.3x more social shares than how-to posts.

14. Images increase shares

A research found that text content with at least one image generated 94% more views on social media.

15. Mention influencers

Link to influential people in your post and let them know about it. A study found that for your content to go viral, influencer shares were 'critical'.


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