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Tips To Score 100/100 With Google Page Speed Test Tool

Website loading speed is a need for the general user experience, and it's likewise one of the several SEO positioning elements. Truly, these days individuals don't have the persistence to sit tight over five seconds for a page to load. On the off chance that your website isn't loading sufficiently quick, you'll lose potential clients.

With more than half of online traffic originating from mobile devices, everybody anticipates that a site will load momentarily. In view of that, in this article, we will demonstrate to you how we figured out how to score 100/100 with Google PageSpeed Insights Tool for Monitor Backlinks for both desktop and mobile.

The inspiration

Our site was loading very quick as of now, yet we knew there's dependably an approach to improve it even.

One day, while playing with the PageSpeed Tool, we saw Google's website had a terrible score for mobile devices, 59/100. The desktop version was improving at 95/100.

Instructions to make pages load faster

Before we begin demonstrating the correct steps we took after, let us let you know that the PageSpeed tool is just a guideline for best web exhibitions hones. It gives recommendations to optimizing your website for page load speed, and accomplishing good results relies on upon how your server surroundings is set up.

Step #1: Optimize images

The PageSpeed Insights Tool recommended that we optimize our images to load faster by decreasing their record estimate. Google additionally offers the choice to download your as of now optimized images, and you can simply upload them to your server. You can do likewise with JavaScript and CSS.

Step #2: Minify CSS and JavaScript

Google was presently letting us know that we needed to minify our JavaScript and CSS files.

The minifying process reduces the sizes of your files by disposing of pointless white spaces, characters, and comments from your CSS and JavaScript files. Software engineers will regularly leave numerous spaces and comments while coding.

Step #3: Leverage browser caching

For some website operators leveraging browser caching is the most difficult part. A CDN is a system of servers situated at different sites the world over. They are capable of caching the static version of websites, for example, images, CSS, and JavaScript files. The CDN stores duplicates of your website's content on its servers, and when somebody arrives on your site, the static content is loaded from the server closest to them.

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